In the early product discovery phase, we start by understanding the purpose of your product and defining your why.
Portable will take your thorniest, longest standing problems and get to the heart of the issue; providing a solution that will do more than tick a box. Your end-user experience is at the centre of Portable’s designed solution, meaning we see each of your stumbling blocks as a chance to jump higher.
And at the core of Portable, our connection to the community is what will allow a project to turn into a movement for change. Solve your technical issues while Portable builds in scalable impact for future generations.
Portable is an AWS Advanced Partner and also has specific accreditation as a Public Sector Partner. Portable delivers AWS cloud management to create innovative and efficient technological solutions.
Let our team of strategic designers clearly identify the best opportunities for new or revised services, workflows or processes. Is your best solution our AI interventions creating significant steps towards reducing legal costs and the burden on the justice system? Or perhaps you need our extensive experience around smart forms that auto-populate fields and databases, reducing duplication, errors and cost overheads.
From Discovery to Launch, and even to scalable Growth, the team at Portable will take you on the product journey you need.
In the early product discovery phase, we start by understanding the purpose of your product and defining your why.
Through the product definition phase, we use tools like journey maps, prototypes and user testing to capture key workflows and insights around user behaviour.
During the product design and development phase, a cross-discipline team of designers, developers and quality assurance testers work collaboratively alongside the producer to deliver the initial product or feature release.
Our team manages and coordinates all technical requests and maintains a detailed understanding of knowledge of the systems and platform. We support you with evaluation and reporting, tracking and analytics, marketing and training your people to get the product off the ground.
We know that things don’t stop when a product launches, and we’re well-versed in supporting your product growth phase by continuing to learn from users and refine the product.