At Portable, we believe in the possibilities presented by co-design. When those with the power and responsibility to make a positive change can work shoulder-to-shoulder with those who need it, wonderful things can happen.
Good co-design, like a good relationship, takes time and practice. This guide will not make you an expert in co-design. But what you will get from this guide is an excellent primer on co-design, specifically co-design workshops. The intent of this guide is to give you enough breadth and depth to consider so that you know what it takes to do it well.
At Portable we're interested in building the awareness, capability and responsibility of those wishing to engage with the people they're serving in new and powerful ways, so that we can facilitate more of the kind of work we love – the work where the people with the problems are put in the centre of the solutions.
So whether you've heard about co-design, participated in a workshop yourself, or have no idea what co-design is, you can rest assured that this is a good starting point for you. All are welcome here.
Download our report Co-design with purpose